Vipul Soni
2 min readApr 2, 2021



My journey with Rupee Team started back in 2016, during the Crypto boom.
Being an Indian, I was excited to have a native cryptocurrency and immediately jumped into RUP. Like many other cryptocurrencies, the RUP founder also gave a strong story, progressive roadmap, good marketing. In short, whatever was required for people to trust them and join the RUP bandwagon. The little as I know that RUP is also one of the scams.

RUP team were lucky, and the Crypto crash in 2017 timing was implacable for the RUP team to collect whatever they could and leave all the people guessing that RUP is going down because of the global crash. No one knew the team was a scam, and they have made their money out of people hard-earned money and left people wondering. I kept holding the RUP until 2018 and realised it was all a scam and my investment and trust in RUP is down the drain.

Fast forward to 2020, and I was still sitting on my RUP and wondering about getting rid of them and get whatever money I could. I tried few exchanges and no luck.

Then one day, I stumbled upon Rupee Evolution on telegram and started reading everything in the channel. I was surprised that set good humans worked relentlessly to create a new Chain and swap the RUP to RUPEE. I also realised the path so far was not easy for them, but they still make RUPEE happen. With limited time, money and recourses, the way ahead was not easy. RUPEE team was taking one step at a time and progressing slowly but surely in the right direction (I hope so).

I had nothing to lose at this time anyway, my RUP was ZERO and worthless, and I thought of taking another shot and dive into RUPEE swap. I might be lucky this time. I started discussing with DeadStool and understand the whole swap process. He also helped me with a swap excel which enabled me to correctly calculate the right amount in each Phase and send him the RUP for each Phase.

Since I was new to the whole swap process, I initially made some mistakes, but Deadstool kept his cool and explained the correct way of doing it. Deadstool is working tirelessly and sometimes loses his patience, which is very human, and anyone would do.

Here I am with the RUPEE team and done my swap for Phase 6, 5 and 4. This article is to share my story with all of you and progressing to phase 3. I hope this time, RUPEE to the moon.

